This is a list of known issues in the Monstrum 2 Beta.
PLEASE be sure to read this before submitting a bug report. Furthermore, please keep in mind that this is a game launching in Early Access and is not fully optimised, polished, or feature-complete.
Stability / Crashes:
- Changing your graphics quality in-game can sometimes cause a crash - best to do so in the menu
- If you have a severe lag spike, you can be disconnected from the game
- Crashes during loading can occasionally happen
- If you keep getting randomly disconnected please do submit a ticket.
- Not all monster balance values are final as we are still determining what works best for the new layout.
- Brute can get stuck in geometry in certain places - We are going to fix up as many as we can in the future but if this does happen please let us know!
- Malacosm Clairvoyance can show prisoner items after having been used (after the ability has ended)
- Sometimes a random prisoner’s inventory can show up for Monster
- Prisoner and Brute tutorials can be tricky to complete due to door timings
- Texture quality: high and medium texture quality are both currently set to medium due to high setting causing increased RAM and instability after a few games. High setting will be restored as soon as possible
- The monsters do not have the correct post-processing applied in the tutorials
- The monster head can sometimes be invisible in the monster opening cutscene
Player Account:
- We are still tuning various values throughout the game economy, XP rewards, level up thresholds and cosmetic item costs will likely change slightly in the coming weeks
- May occasionally see some exterior assets blinking in and out of existence. They still have collisions but require some fixes on our visibility-based asset culling system.
Sea Fort Mission Objectives:
- Match end cutscenes/resolutions still need to be implemented
User Interface:
- Some localisation is missing in various UI elements in the game
- Some key binding icons in the UI are smaller than desired
- Some text characters with accents display larger or differently than expected
- Certain machinery in the Sea Fort can still be pinged with a marker after they have been activated
- If you load into the game after disabling the missions UI, then enable it in-game, it does not show the mission information
- The Solitaire bug remains (oops!). If someone dies/disconnects, it can sometimes break your in-game camera, providing an effect similar to the solitaire win-screen
- The customisation screens do not yet display correctly at non-standard resolutions
- Inventory items UI can sometimes (though rarely) break in a way that means you can no longer pick up items until you die and respawn
Lobby Menus:
- If two players select monster simultaneously in a custom game, one of them will be booted. This is a hot-fix for now and will be adjusted in future.
- Chance a character in the menu uses the incorrect rig, resulting in nightmares (or comedy gold, depending on your perspective!)
- Occasionally the correct nameplate in the lobby may not display
- Characters may gain a few pounds in the lobby if playing at an ultra-wide resolution
- A player’s character model may not load in the lobby when the game has only just started up
- When you return to the lobby after completing a game, the post-game stats & XP screen may not display properly - do not fret! Your XP is safe, the UI just failed to activate
- The lobby right now looks lower res because of some issues we had with the cost on performance - It will be fixed! It was the lesser of 2 evils, for now, a smoother lobby or 1 that crashed more
- Can see through own body during certain animations (e.g. brute climb)
- Occasionally, the Bhagra will spawn in the floor, resulting in either being stuck or death
- When you die as a prisoner, your head might not be visible after the death animation
- Bhagra can sometimes play the wrong animation in the intro cutscene
- Bhagra struggles with standing properly on collider objects due to IK. They will sink through those objects and sometimes appear to hover above them.
- Malacosm Monster still needs a VFX pass when Teleporting
- Malacosm Sentinel traps are not yet animated
- A select few assets (e.g. crane) are missing SFX
- The character’s selected voice is saved on the machine played on, not the player account
- The Brute has taken up ASMR and can be a bit too pushy with forcing his content on people. It is possible for his vocals to play in the menus, and in the game when they shouldn't. If you notice this happening, please restart your game.
- Testing a Prisoner voice in the customisation menu will sometimes not play
- There can be an FPS spike whenever a player dies/respawns
- There can be an FPS spike in random areas
Shop / Cosmetics:
- Additional shop content will be added to all categories across time